Monday, 27 June 2011

My Graduate Fashion Show 2011

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Amazing Photoshoot - Numero Magazine. 'Wild' - Greg Kadel

This is one of the most amazing photoshoots I have seen. The colour and attention to detail is so beautiful. Very inspiring!!

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Final Collection Shoes

Shoes I decorated with chains for my final collection...
Love chains at the minute.

Final Collection - Sophisticated Secret Sinner

My Own Work:

Mood and Fabric Board for Final Collection

Development Pages and Illustration for Outfit 1

Final Collection: Line-up

My starting point was the 7 Deadly Sins.
From here I explored a photographer's interpretation of the sins which provided me with an exciting colour palette and fabric selection.
This lead to me thinking of my idea of what each sin meant and how I could research this.
Silhouette came from a variety of places, including tortoise shells, ancient stone walls and underwater photography.

Embellishments including studs, chains and boot eyelets were taken from chain mail and honeycombs, whilst print ideas were taken from both rust and the Union Jack - pride in the flag!
My Own Work:

Burberry/BFC Competition - Behind Your Mask

Looking at William Orpen paintings from World War 1, I looked at weaponry.
Shields from many different cultures and eras, and the fact that they symbolize protection. From here I explored masks and the idea of hiding behind them, what is underneath.
This lead to the final 4 pages above, a collection of 8 coats to suit the Burberry aesthetic and handwriting.

F.A.D Competition - Escape Into Pain

My Own Work :

FA.D Competition - ESCAPE... Into Pain
With the starting point of 'Escape' set by F.A.D this project had quite a dark yet elegant outcome of two main designs.

Research explored the idea of escaping into pain instead of somewhere nice.
I looked into surrealism and artists' interpretations of nightmares for colour and fabric choices, and the self-harm images for fabric manipulation and experimentation.